#AbortoLegal2020 in Argentina. Strategies for mobilization on and offine in pandemic


  • Claudia Laudano IdIHCS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Legal abortion , cyberfeminism, mobilization strategies, pandemic, digital activism


At the end of 2020, the Argentine feminist movement achieved the long-awaited goal of legalizing abortion, with regional and global resonances in the organizational actions of other women's movements as well as in the media. This paper analyzes the main offline and online mobilization strategies led by the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion in the process that led to the approval of the law, with its epicenter in the social appropriation of the Instagram and Twitter platforms by feminist activists. Through the collection of data from both platforms and the observation of accounts, different moments are distinguished throughout 2020, characterized first by an intense online mobilization, with cyberactivism according to the slogan #QuedateEnCasa (#StayAtHome) towards a progressive recovery of the traditional public space, with imaginative tactics in the framework of care measures for preventive isolation and skillful achievements regarding the social appropriation of digital technologies.


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Author Biography

Claudia Laudano, IdIHCS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Prof. Titular e Investigadora del IdIHCS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Directora del Proyecto de investigación “Apropiación feminista de tecnologías en casos de violencia contra mujeres e interrupción voluntaria del embarazo”.


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How to Cite

Laudano, C. (2023). #AbortoLegal2020 in Argentina. Strategies for mobilization on and offine in pandemic. Zona Franca, (31), 11–47. https://doi.org/10.35305/zf.vi31.360


