Women speak, men lead: political conversations about feminist hashtivism in #25N and #AbortoLegal2020
feminism , political conversation , sociodigital platforms , public sphere, feminist hashtivismAbstract
We present the results of a qualitative study of the political conversations generated towards the Latin American feminist hashtivism in 2020 according to two visibility configurations: one that used the vernacular languages of sociodigital networks and the one that resisted algorithmic power through collective action (Sued et al. 2022). In this study, we try to understand what kind of conversations could be found in these visibility configurations from a non-normative approach to political dialogue, recognizing the value of daily and affective conversation on matters of common interest (Graham 2015). To do so, we selected highly visible videos created in 2020 in the hashtags #25N and #AbortoLegal2020 (#LegalAbortion2020) two on YouTube and two on TikTok– and analyzed the 50 comments with the highest engagement from each production. The results reveal that vernacular visibility tends to build consensus from a superficial understanding of the feminist agenda. Instead, algorithmic resistance triggers political disputes that try to limit the advancement of feminists' demands. In both types of visibility and on both platforms, men moderate the conversation even when they present less participation. Despite this, vernacular visibility is presented as an opportunity of expression for women not necessarily participants in feminist activism, who share testimonies of violence.Downloads
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