Elders. An analysis of representations in the debate of the historical reparation bill for elderly trans and travestis individuals in Argentina





LGTBIQ Rights, Socio-discursive Representations, Identities, Travesti-Trans Collective, Public Policy


This article aims to identify the socio-discursive representations that emerged within the context of the legislative debate concerning the historical reparation bill for elderly travestis and trans individuals in Argentina. It analyzes how these representations function as tools of recognition in relation to the establishment of a reparatory pension, from which they could potentially benefit. Eleven years after the approval of Law 26.743, which guarantees the right to gender identity in Argentina, various activist groups representing travestis and trans individuals have advocated for a Historical Reparation Law. This proposed law is intended as a mechanism for compensation meant to address the harm inflicted by institutional violence that has affected this community, as well as the violations of human rights. The study of the socio-discursive representations present in the debate surrounding this bill in the Chamber of Deputies is crucial for identifying and analyzing tools against discrimination, the processes of impoverishment suffered by travestis and trans individuals, and the acknowledgment of their rights. This analysis focuses on the legislative discourses from May 24, 2023, and their continuations in June 2023, aiming to deepen the understanding of the evolving redefinitions of judicial recognition for this group, as well as the potential to attain a lifelong reparatory pension.


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How to Cite

Pizarro, T. M. (2024). Elders. An analysis of representations in the debate of the historical reparation bill for elderly trans and travestis individuals in Argentina. Zona Franca, (32), 113–146. https://doi.org/10.35305/zf.vi32.387


