Gender and unpaid care work. An analysis of bills in Argentina


  • Rocio Pinto Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



unpaid care work , bills , gender


This paper aims to analyze six recent national bills related to unpaid care work (both at home and community-based) that seek to recognize its social and economic value. Three groups are highlighted: those that emphasize who they take care of at home; those who not only underline who they look after but also on those who receive special care inside and outside the home; and a third group that mentions community work, including community care. It is observed that some bills adopt a gender perspective and they propose co-responsibility based on care work, within members of the family and other institutions. However, the approach to co-responsibility does not necessarily imply an equitable distribution of caregiving tasks among the sexes, if women continue to be overloaded with these activities and, what is more, if they cannot count with favourable conditions to carry out these tasks.  


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Author Biography

Rocio Pinto, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Licenciada en Política Social por la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales del Programa de Posgrado UNGS-IDES. Actualmente, es becaria interna doctoral de CONICET con sede en el Instituto de Ciencias, UNGS, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Pinto, R. (2022). Gender and unpaid care work. An analysis of bills in Argentina. Zona Franca, (30), 407–431.


